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Jokes For Kids

What do you get when you put cheese next to some ducksWhy are teddy bears never hungry_  They’re  always  stuffedWhy did the computer sneeze_  It had a virusCan bees fly in the rainWhy did the girl throw a stick of butterWhen do monkeys fall from they skyWhat is the Easter  Bunny’s favorite kind of musicWhy do bees have sticky hairWhy did the jellybean go to school_  To  become a smartie!Knock-knock! Who’s there_ Irish. Irish who_  Irish you a happy St. Patrick’s Day!What do you  call a hen  who counts  her eggsWhat is fast, loud, and crunchyWhat do you call flowers who are BFFsWhy are you so tired in AprilWhat time do ducks wakeupWhat’s the best place to grow flowers in schoolWhy shouldn’t you  tell an Easter  egg a jokeHow does the Easter  Bunny stay in shape